Thursday, May 8, 2014

Changing Habits for Life

Wow! I can’t believe it’s been a week now since my son, David, and I decided to go on the Daniel Fast. It was his idea, really, but I “came along” for support. If you are not familiar with the fast – its basically 21 days on a diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, seeds and good oils. That’s right, no meat – no dairy – no sweeteners – anything processed must be checked carefully to see if it qualifies.

I’d love to say the motivation behind my decision to fast with him was highly spiritual – but it wasn’t. You see, I’ve been on a fairly radical health journey since the beginning of this year. Radical, for me, anyway! Coming off the heels of an unwelcomed surgery in November, I became hungry to understand health and wellness like never before.

Like many of us, I was exposed to an overwhelming amount of sometimes contradictory information in regards to health. Still, it became increasingly clear to me that many health struggles are correctable – not with drugs – but with lifestyle changes.

So I began the process of implementing small changes to move toward wellness. Some of it was fairly easy – like incorporating a daily detox drink and using a probiotic. Even placing my stomach on a 7pm curfew wasn’t too hard. Then came exercise – that was a bit bigger mountain for me. But I found some exercise programs that I loved and it soon became an almost daily routine.

Still, while I was eating better – I found a huge hang-up when it came to dinner time and meal preparation. You see, I grew up on the Standard American Diet (SAD for short – and it is appropriate to call it such). As a result, most of what I knew, in terms of food prep and meals came from pre-packaged options or your standard meat, potato, vegetable protocol. Admittedly, most of those veggies were peas, beans or “corn”. 

I knew that a plant based, whole-foods approach to nutrition was far better – I just felt overwhelmed and helpless making such a radical change. Thus enters the Daniel Fast. This fast has forced me to deal with my limitations in the kitchen arena! What I’d been putting off before could no longer be ignored. I needed to learn something new.

Breakfast wasn’t so bad. I found Bob’s Red Mill products in the organic section of our grocery store. I’ve enjoyed their 5 Grain Cereal and Scottish Oatmeal. By far my favorite is mixing either of these with dates, unsweetened shredded coconut and pecans. If this is healthy eating – I think I can manage!


Yet dinner has been a struggle all week. What to cook? How to make it taste – well, good? We’ve had whole grain pasta with veggies – not bad though I enjoy it more as a cool pasta salad instead. Rice and beans and homemade pizza (on flatbread, non-yeast crust and no cheese) – these were okay but not so amazing that I was ready to forgo what I consider “normal” dinners.

Last night’s dinner was by far the best. Homemade tomato sauce over whole grain pasta – topped with mock parmesan cheese. – I can certainly see us eating this in the future.
We finished by trying some homemade oatmeal raisin cookies. Who knew you could make such delicious cookies without using sugar! This is another recipe we will certainly play around with and keep using.
So at the end of week one, I will definitely admit this has been a challenge. Fortunately, I feel like the initial struggle and frustration has lessened. Things are beginning to become less burdensome and more hopeful that we will find “good food” replacements to our normal SAD eating.
And so it is, at times, with change. In some instances – the changes come quickly, seemingly effortlessly. Yet, other changes demand much more in terms of intentionality and dedication. It’s more of a struggle at first. And that is when we must remember not to grow weary in doing the right thing – for in time, we shall reap a reward. What begins as awkward and difficult becomes a new “old” hat. A habit forms - a lifestyle changes. And the fruit is life!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A "Baby" is Born - Welcome CHOOSE LIFE Holistic Health Services

Okay, I have to confess. I am quite excited as I start out on a "new" venture. Well, actually, it's more like a continuance of things God has planted inside me over time - but now they are coming to a new level of discovery and release.

As some of you may know - I recently underwent surgery. This was not something I wanted to do - and believe me.... I resisted. The road toward recovery has been painful, though more emotionally than physically. Yet God, as He is so able to do, has taken a trial and brought forth amazing fruit.

Throughout the healing process - I have become a passionate student in the area of health and well-being. I have learned so much about our amazing bodies and how they are designed to work. I am even more convinced about the connection between our physical health and the condition of our soul and spirit.

I've also been forced to look at my tendency to sabotage my own health through lifestyle choices. The surgery was just an eye-opener to larger issues. For example, I had low-energy - I would want to call it a day by 2pm! I struggled to have clarity of thought - limiting both creativity and problem-solving. I was winded just going up a flight of stairs. None of this was bringing me the quality of life I would hope to have.

Both of my parents were dead by the time I was 23 - my dad from heart failure, my mom from cancer. Getting older was causing me to wonder how much longer might I be here for my own children.

But... to be honest.... getting healthy seems like such an overwhelming undertaking. Where do you start? What do you believe - you know there is a LOT of hype out there? Who do you trust? Is it really that important anyway? All this analysis would lead me to veg out and have another piece of chocolate. Come on, you've been there too!

Yet our health in every aspect of our being IS so important. You see, we were created for a purpose. God had a specific destiny in mind when He created each one of us. And God doesn't do mediocre - YOU ARE A BRILLIANT CREATION in the heart of an amazing God.

As such, we have tremendous potential. Potential that will not only bless us individually, but potential that will change the world around us.

Yet we will never live out that potential if we remain physically incapable; spiritually immature; emotionally unstable; or relationally inept. Untapped potential is perhaps the most wasted "natural" resource.

I don't know about you - but I want to excel. I want to bring the best of Christ in me into all that He has called and gifted me to do.

And that is why I am so excited where He is leading me next.

He is showing me that, although HEALTH may seem like "an unconquerable mountain" (particularly in the face of chocolate cake and stressful days) - its really a matter of making daily choices that line up with my ultimate goal.

He has also ignited a passion (mixed with compassion) to help others on their journey toward a healthier lifestyle. (While I continue on my own journey as well:)

As I pursue additional training specifically toward becoming a certified health coach - we are adding a "sister" branch to The Soul Care Center called 'CHOOSE LIFE'. Choose Life will provide holistic health services such as individual mentoring, support groups, and presentations on a variety of health related topics. (Naturally, in keeping with the tradition of Soul Care - all services are offered on a donation basis. This takes away the barrier of cost that may stand in the way for many who genuinely want help.)

CHOOSE LIFE will also offer exceptional product lines that support our body's ability to heal itself. While conventional medicine and treatment may be needed at times - many health related concerns can be minimized or eliminated by a combination of lifestyle change and products found in nature.

I look forward to all He will do in the days ahead.

Thanks for taking the time to hear my heart. I look forward to sharing again soon. In the meantime live your potential and..... CHOOSE LIFE!

Jodi Roberts